Fantastic new build villa with incredible viewsA beautiful property with sovereign elegance in Mediterranean white. Every area of this villa is designed to highlight the details that only a property of this size can offer. Open rooms, an idiosyncratic floor plan and strikingly elegant furnishings create a very special feel-good atmosphere, relaxed and free, light and carefree. Design, building materials, surfaces, and lighting were carefully chosen to create an example together with the beautiful gardens.The spectacular location makes it possible to enjoy a breathtaking view of the sea with complete privacy from the surrounding houses. The unique comfort that this splendid villa offers has so far been looking for its equal.
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Maecenas sit amet ex a ante pretium euismod vitae vel mauris. Maecenas elementum magna vel justo facilisis, sed sagittis orci venenatis. Sed sollicitudin lectus erat, pretium lacinia urna auctor nec. Curabitur lacinia justo in lectus sodales condimentum. Praesent ullamcorper ultricies auctor. Sed at consectetur elit. Proin mattis vestibulum lorem, ac blandit justo fermentum non.