This is indeed a Mediterranean gem – bright, appealing, and maintained to the highest of standards with palm tree gardens, sun-soaked terraces, a velvet-blue pool and Ibiza on the horizon. Amongst all that, there is the Mediterranean Sea and a few picturesque, neighbouring roofs with their typically Levantine roof tiles and the navigational beacon of the lighthouse, which conveys pure romanticism, especially in the evening. Perfectly enclosed by dry stone walls bedecked in greenery, the villa’s idyllic architecture emerges from the secluded, landscaped plot which, with lush tree stock and southern blossom splendour, emphasizes the dream house effect even more. The sun-terrace, framed by delightfully decorative balustrades with the pool in front of it, is like an extended living space and due to the pretty kitchenette complements it perfectly. The rooms of the villa are in keeping with the charming, overall picture: bright, appealing and exquisite, and furnishings and décor are timelessly refined. In a sunny, peaceful and upmarket location with an international neighbourhood, restaurants and shopping opportunities all within close proximity, this is a property from the most discerning of wish lists.
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