In the picturesque village of Jijona renowned for its traditional spanish nougat 'Turrón', its Moors and Christinas festival, the Castle Almohade is this characterful town house which nestles in the old town just at the foot of the Castle grounds. Appropriately named Casa Mirador and originally dating from 1880 this very independent townhouse has been beautifully renovated and stands in an elevated position with commanding open views towards the coastal city and village of Alicante and Playa San Juan just a half an hour away. Located in Jijona old town this singular property is accessed is via the colourful streets of the village and the nearest parking is by the castle behind the Town House just 4 minutes walk, the parking is free. Casa Mirador is built on 3 levels and is comprised of an open plan lounge-kitchen-bedroom area on the bottom floor followed by a second good-sized bedroom and a large shower room. On the middle floor is a large entrance Hallway and 2 further doble bedrooms and a toilet. Up the stairs to the top floor and there is a lounge-dining-kitchen area a bathroom with shower and laundry cupboard which houses the washing machine and water heater. Access form the lounge to the terrace which faces east, south and west on this level with wonderful long distance elevated views views over the old town towards the mountains and San Juan and Alicante with the sea in the distance. This property is ideal for families or couples who want some extra space and are looking for a property with character in a picturesque setting. Public swimming pool 5 minutes drive, 10 minutes on foot to shops and restaurants and Avenida de la Constitucion a beautiful treelined street with supermarkets and restaurantes. The area nearby is also ideal also for cyclists and hikers. Casa Mirador a home beautifully refurbished and decorated exclusively available with López & Henderson.
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